Sunday, September 13, 2009
I just wish...
1) I am no longer working at Bottega Louie. I stopped working there shortly after my Kentucky trip. School was starting soon, and I had my Montreal trip to get ready for. I loved working there and plan on going back many times as a customer.
2) As I said, second-to-last semester at USC. Last semester of student tickets to Trojan football. Last Fall semester of 10k's and 45-minute erg workouts getting ready for NARF and Head of the Harbor. I've still got 9 months, but I'm already wondering if I'm going to miss L.A. Certainly not the traffic. Definitely not the air quality. But when I'm cold I'm sure I'll think back to the sun and blue skies of southern California. This semester, 20 units. So far, not so bad. I've already done one of my two presentations for IR 454. And I have my topics chosen for my research papers. Now I just have to write them. They're interesting classes, too. And the sweetest part of it all is that next semester, I can basically do whichever classes I want. I'll have completed my foreign economics concentration, my regional requirement and my 400-level requirement. I'll be in Russian IV and then three more IR classes (though I may look into finding other classes that can be counted towards my major). It would have been awesome to be able to travel abroad to study, but I figure I'll have plenty of opportunity to live and work abroad. College has been amazing (still is), and I feel I've made it exactly what I wanted.
3) I'm back, baby! My lower back has finally been feeling loose enough to let me row. With that said, I'm terribly out of shape. But it's coming back quite well. I didn't miss the blisters, but I've realized in these last few weeks just how much happier I am when I'm rowing (whether on the erg or in a boat, even riding on the launch). We've gone through novice recruitment, and of course we'd like more numbers. But the guys that we do have, whew... they are going to have a good season. Everyone on the team is impressed with how these guys have picked up the sport so quickly. I'm really excited for this season overall.
Well, I think I'm going to end this post. There's so much that I could go on and on about, but for now, I'll give myself time to organize my thoughts. Even though my cooking has be nearly nil, I'll still sign off with: Happiness begins in the kitchen, be BOLD!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Summer is Slipping By
#1) I still work at Bottega Louie. Still a food runner. Haven't gotten into the kitchen yet, but I've expedited a few times. That is, I called the orders that come in to the linecooks and put the finishing touches on food as they go out. It's hectic but incredibly fun. I think I've got the best schedule, Friday - Monday evenings. The restaurant is getting crazy since it's gotten a few great reviews. The most we've served in one evening to date (at least while I've been working) is just over 850. And we've been doing a steady 500+ on weekend nights. Some notables that have come in to eat: Topher Grace, Emilie de Ravin, Shannen Doherty, Milo Ventimiglia. I'm sure others have come in, but those are the ones I actually remember bringing food to. I'm thinking about talking to Chef Davis about trying my hand in pastry. I really like to bake, and I think I could do the nice presentation of the desserts well. Other than that, work is work. I don't do much on the days I work (or on the days I don't work for that matter).
#2) I'm going to Kentucky in 11 days to visit my Aunt Diana and cousins Shannon and Amanda. There are horses there, which I'm excited about. Also, it'll be the first time I've been to Kentucky, which is always exciting. Next, I'm going to Montreal with my dad in 30 days. That is going to be a lot of fun. First time going to Canada. I've planned out our itinerary, and the days are going to be packed. Still, it should be relaxing. I've just recently purchased a 35mm film camera (Canon Rebel K2) and am looking forward to taking some great pictures with it. Hopefully some slides as well (something I hope comes back as a tradition for the Matarrese family). Those are the two major trips I have planned (also going home for a few days before and after the Montreal trip). I'd like to get down to San Diego for a day or two, take the train down and just bum it on the beach. At some point in the next year I want to go camping, use my backpacking gear some more (and of course take more pictures).
#3) I've started the application process to become a Foreign Service Officer in the State Department. A Consular officer to be specific. Those are the people that you speak to at the visa window. I'm planning on taking the initial test in October. There are many steps to go through to actually become an FSO, but here's the rundown of it: initial FSOT (Foreign Service Officer Test), writing a few personal statements, getting through a reviewing board, getting interviewed in D.C. for a final review, getting medical and security clearance. It's a very competitive process, but it should be because FSOs are most of the world's first and only impression of the U.S. It seems like the perfect job for me. Living abroad at embassies and consulates, speaking the native language everyday, and serving my country. What could be better? Not even to mention the free housing, the decent salary, and the job security. It would be the ultimate "change in scenery," every two years or so a new country. I've been assigned a mentor from the State Department, a very nice man serving as a Consular officer in Peru at the moment. He's been a great source of information for me about the Foreign Service. Overall, it seems like a good fit, so I'm going for it. I'll keep y'all updated on it.
#4) Slowly but surely, my back has been getting better. It has not been bothering me at all. That being said, I tried erging a few weeks ago, very low pressure low rating, and I still can't get the proper bodies over position. I'm not 100% sure, but I think my collegiate rowing career is done. It's a real shame, especially as the USC Men's Crew team is just starting its Renaissance with the two new coaches. I am still doing my stretches trying to get better, but without being able to erg, there is no way I can be in competitive shape to earn a spot in the top boat. I plan on staying in contact with the team, in essence being on the team, go to races and such. Perhaps I can be the team photographer. I wouldn't trade my time on the team for anything in the world, and hopefully someday I can get back in a boat, even if it's just for recreational purposes. My love affair with the sport will end when I die.
#5) Next semester is going to be insane. I'm taking 20 units (four classes = 16 units = full load). I have to take 20 units in one of my last two semesters in order to graduate on time. And since I found what sounds like really interesting classes, I figured I'd do my 20 in the fall. My classes are: Russian 3, The Global Economy (IR 213, the last introductory class in the major), Multination Enterprises and World Politics (IR 324, all about international businesses and their political and social influences), Political Economy of Russia and Eurasia (IR 439, combines a few things I like: Russia/Eastern Europe and political economics), and The Political Economy of Development (IR 454, again with the political economics, and development, something I took a really interesting class in this last semester). Two 400-level classes, a 300-level class, a 200-level class, and a third semester language. It's going to kick my ass. Even if I was physically able to row, I don't think I would have the time. That also means I'll have to not be working. Whether I have to quit or just take leave from working at Bottega Louie is yet to be determined. I'm spending the summer trying to get ahead for the classes though. I'm reading the first book for IR 324, thinking of some possible topics for my research paper for IR 439, and trying to increase my Russian vocabulary. Hopefully I will survive (not have I have a choice).
And #6) I have been slacking in my cooking, but I have two things for you: a spice rub of my own creation, and a recipe for Chinese pork buns that I rocked. First the spice rub that I made:
Sweet Mustard Rub
I used this on beef chunks that I pan sauted. I didn't really have a
clear idea what I was creating, and didn't taste it until after the beef was
cooked. Luckily, it turned out well. Try different amounts of the
various ingredients to get different tastes (obviously):
ground mustard
ground nutmeg
caraway seeds
brown sugar
garlic salt
Mix all the ingredients together. Roll the meat in the rub. Pan
saute with a little olive oil until a nice crust forms on the outside.
I suppose if you added lemon juice, you could make a sauce out of it, or you could deglaze the pan as well, since the sugar carmalizes some tasty bits onto it. This on chicken would make so wicked kababs.
The next recipe is for Cha Siu Bau, or pork buns. They are those white doughy buns with the pork inside. They come with the paper stuck on the bottom usually. I found this recipe online. It makes the perfect dough, I think the filling could use some work though. It's tasty, and generically "Chinese," but there could be so much better fillings too. Here's the recipe:
Chinese Pork Buns (Cha Siu Bao)
Category: Pork Entree
Serves/Makes: 24
6 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup white sugar
1 3/4 cup warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)
1 tablespoon active dry yeast
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 tablespoons shortening
1 pound finely chopped pork
1 1/2 tablespoon light soy sauce
1 1/2 tablespoon hoisin sauce
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 1/2 tablespoon white sugar
1 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
1 1/2 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 cup water
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 1/2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons shortening
1 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper
Dissolve 1/4 cup sugar in 1 3/4 cups warm water, and then add the yeast. Let stand for 10 minutes, or until mixture is frothy. Sift the flour and baking powder into a large bowl. Stir in 2 tablespoons shortening and the yeast mixture; mix well. Knead the dough until smooth and elastic. Place the dough in a greased bowl, and cover it with a sheet of cling wrap. Let the dough rise in a warm place for about 2 hours, or until it has tripled in bulk.Cut the pork into 2 inch thick strips. Use fork to prick it all over. Marinate for 5 hours in a mixture made with 1 1/2 tablespoons light soy sauce, 1 1/2 tablespoons hoisin sauce, and 1 teaspoon sweet soy sauce. Grill the pork until cooked and charred. Cut roasted port into 1/2 inch cubes. Combine 1 1/2 tablespoons sugar, 1 1/2 tablespoons soy sauce, oyster sauce, and 1 cup water in a saucepan. Bring to the boil. Mix cornstarch with 2 1/2 tablespoons water; add to the saucepan, and stir until thickened. Mix in 2 tablespoons lard or shortening, sesame oil, and white pepper. Cool, and mix in the roasted pork. Remove the dough from the bowl, and knead it on a lightly floured surface until it is smooth and elastic. Roll the dough into a long roll, and divide it into 24 pieces. Flatten each piece with the palm of the hand to form a thin circle. The center of the circle should be thicker than the edge. Place one portion of the pork filling in the center of each dough circle. Wrap the dough to enclose the filling. Pinch edges to form the bun. Let the buns stand for 10 minutes. Steam buns for 12 minutes. Serve.
Mine came out, to be quite honest, perfectly. My housemate Kevin Chin (from South Korea originally) said they tasted like "store-bought," which I take as a good thing. I plan to make them again, with some veggies and maybe some with preserved fruit inside. They are really good. I put each bun on a square of wax paper before steaming so they wouldn't stick to the bottom of my steamer and really, they are just like those I've bought in Chinatown. Unfortunately, my friends and I ate them all before I took any pictures, but I'll be sure to snap some when I make them again. Well, that's just about it for me. I'm almost ready for school to start again, just to find stuff to do (not that there's not plenty of stuff to do in LA, or plenty of things I could be doing). Hopefully, I'll get back into the habit of updating this thing (I definitely will after my trips, because I'll have plenty of pictures). Until next time, remember:
Happiness begins in the kitchen, be Bold!
Friday, May 1, 2009
It's been a while, old friend...
Happiness begins in the kitchen. Be bold!
Monday, April 13, 2009
My mistake...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Part Deux: Back with a vengeance... Weekend Recipe(s) - 4/12/09 (and 4/13/09)
Lemon-Honey Top Quickbread
Makes: 1 large pan-sized flatbread
Time: 5-15 minutes prep, up to 40 minutes baking
This recipe would make a good morning pastry. It's not too sweet, and plenty filling
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup warm milk
.33 cup neutral oil (vegetable/grapeseed/canola)
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
3 parts lemon juice
2 parts honey
1-2 parts granulated sugar
Preheat the oven to 375*F. Mix dry bread ingredients in a non-reactive mixing bowl. Pour in the oil and mix. Create a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour in the warm milk. Mix well (adding flour if necessary) to form a non-sticky but still elastic dough. Lightly grease a 9x13 standard baking sheet and press dough into rectangle. Allow shrinkage, flip the dough over and repress. Heat the honey and lemon juice in a microwave safe container until it is no longer viscous. Stir in sugar until it is dissolved. Heat once more in the microwave to return to a non viscous state. Using a basting brush, spread a layer of the topping on the dough. Bake the dough for 40 minutes, rebasting every 7 to 10 minutes. Remove from oven, cut into squares and serve. May be served hot, warm, or chilled.
Here is the result I got. It's a very dense biscuit-like pastry that's not at all too sweet (you know how some of those "breakfast" things can be like desserts). When it first comes out of the oven, the crust is still soft in the middle, but the bottom is stiff enough for each square to be able to take some sort of additional spread (maybe some cottage cheese, or a fruit flavored cream cheese, or even just plain cream cheese). Once chilled, the crust becomes more compact and flakey, but still extremely tasty. Here are some of the pictures I took after baking this:
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Back with a vengeance... "Weekend" Recipe(s) - 4/11/09 (and 4/12/09)
Vanilla or Chocolate Souffle
Makes: 4 to 6 servings
Time: About 1 hour, largely unattended
Undercook this souffle slightly so it remains moist in the middle and needs no sauce, then dust with confectioners' sugar. Or cook it until it's dry and serve it with Vanilla Custard Sauce (page 924), Whipped Cream (page 882), fruit puree (see page 923), or any light sauce.
3 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus 1 teaspoon for the dish
.5 cup sugar, plus more for the dish
1 cup milk
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped, or 1.5 teaspoons vanilla extract
4 eggs, separated
Pinch salt
1) Use 1 teaspoon of the butter to grease a 2-quart souffle dish or other straight-sided deep baking dish. (If you want to make individual souffles, use a little more butter and grease four 1.5 to 2-cup ramekins.) Sprinkle the dish with sugar, invert it, and tap to remove excess sugar. Set aside and heat the oven to 350*F.
2) Warm the milk in a small saucepan over low heat with the remaining .33 cup sugar. In a second saucepan, heat the remaining 3 tablespoons butter over medium-low heat. When the foam begins to subside, stir in the flour. Turn the heat to low and cook, stirring almost constantly, until the flour-butter mixture darkens, about 3 minutes.
3) Stir in the milk, a little bit at a time, using a whisk. It will be quite thick; stir in the chocolate if you're using it and remove from the heat. Let cool for 5 minutes. Beat the egg yolks and stir them in. Add the vanilla if you're using it. (At this point, you may cool the mixture, cover it tightly, and refrigerate for a few hours.)
4) Beat the egg whites with the salt until very stiff but still glossy. Stir a good spoonful of them thoroughly into the sauce to lighten it, then fold in the remaining whites, using a rubber spatula or your hand. Transfer to the prepared souffle dish(es) and bake until the center barely jiggles and is set, or nearly so, 30 to 40 minutes (15 to 25 minutes for individual souffles). Serve immediately.
Monday, March 30, 2009
By the bye...
"Weekend" Recipe 3/30/09 plus notes
Baked Macaroni and Cheese
Makes: 4 to 6 servings
Time: About 45 minutes
One of the most popular recipes in the original How to Cook Everything, which I attributed to too many people growing up with what the Canadians call "Kraft dinner." The real thing is rich, filling, delicious, and dead easy. You can change the type of cheese you use: Try blue cheese, goat cheese, smoked Gouda, or even mascarpone. Or mix in some crisp-cooked chunks of thick-cut bacon or pancetta, about .5 cup.
2.5 cups milk (low-fat is fine)
2 bay leaves
1 pound elbow, shell, ziti, or other cut pasta
4 tablespoons (.5 stick) butter
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1.5 cups grated cheese, like sharp cheddar or Emmental
.5 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Freshly ground black pepper
.5 cup or more bread crumbs, preferably fresh (page 876)
1) Heat the oven to 400*F. Bring a large pot of water to a boil and salt it.
2) Heat the milk with the bay leaves in a small saucepan over medium-low heat. When small bubbles appear along the sides, about 5 minutes later, turn off the heat and let stand. Cook the pasta in the boiling water to the point where you would still think it needed another minute or two to become tender. Drain it, rinse it quickly to stop the cooking, and put it in a large bowl.
3) In a small saucepan over medium-low heat, melt 3 tablespoons of the butter; when it is foamy, add the flour and cook, stirring, until the mixture browns, about 5 minutes. Remove the bay leaves from the milk and add about .25 cup of the milk to the hot flour mixture, stirring with a wire whisk all the while. As soon as the mixture becomes smooth, add a little more milk, and continue to do so until all the milk is used up and the mixture is thick and smooth. Add the cheddar or Emmental and stir.
4) Pour the sauce over the pasta, toss in the Parmesan, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Use the remaining 1 tablespoon butter to grease a 9 x 13-inch or like-size baking pan and turn the pasta mixture into it. (You can make the dish to this point, cover, and refrigerate for up to a day; return to room temperature before proceeding.) Top liberally with bread crumbs and bake until bubbling and the crumbs turn brown, 15 to 20 minutes. Serve piping hot.
Now, a few things:
The recipe tasted good. Make sure you use the right amounts of the ingredients. I know that I skimped on the cheese (using Monterey Jack cheese, which seems somewhere between soft and semi-hard, not like sharp cheddar), and completely removed the Parmesan (didn't have any). Next time, I'll make the trip to the store. Mine came out kind of dry. As I was making the sauce, it looked good, but I could tell as I was pouring it that it needed more cheese. Oh well, there's always next time. Also, the timing for this must be an approximation for someone who knows the recipe. So prepare yourself whenever you're trying something new.
Next: is a very interesting blog. I heard about it from one of the chefs at work. It's a good blog, I wonder if she has other recommendations. Currently listening to his Podcast about culinary school. A lot of very good information. I am going to do more research about which culinary school I want to go to. It's like applying to college all over again. Still, I have a year and a half to change my mind with plenty of factors to influence me. Random best quote from the Podcast (be warned, I am not censoring the expletives: "That's fucked up... being bored in a kitchen. A restaurant kitchen. How does that happen? You have knives and fire! How the fuck are you bored?!" A brilliant and well-phrased thought.
Where has this semester gone? This isn't food related, but rather life related. I have something like 5 and a half weeks of classes left. Then I'm a senior. In my senior year of college... that's surprising. I guess after 20 years of life (almost 21! A month and a half), one more 5 month period (one semester) doesn't seem like all that much. I wonder if this feeling gets exponentially stronger. I guess I'll find out when I'm older.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it. FYI, I hope at least one person has attempted or at least intends to try some of the recipes that I post. I haven't posted one yet that hasn't turned out extremely tasty. The "Olive Oil Salt Bread" which I simply call quickbread is painfully simple, quick, and delicious. Take the extra hour (should be even less time) before you eat dinner to prep and bake some fresh rolls (just divide the dough in balls and put them on a baking sheet). You will not regret it.
P.S. Of course, I need to say...
How to Cook Everything was copywrited in 2008 by Doubly B Publishing Inc., and published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. in Hoboken, New Jersey. This representation of the text is intended for educational use only.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Weekend Recipe 3/29/09
Makes: 12 popovers
Time: About 45 minutes
Popovers are best made at the last minute, but they're good left over as well. I think they go incredibly well with scrambled eggs, though the classic accompaniment is Prime Rib Roast (page 734).
1 tablespoon melted butter or neutral oil, like grapeseed or corn, plus some for the muffin tin
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon sugar
.5 teaspoon salt
1 cup all-purpose flour
1) Heat the oven to 425*F. [N.B. from me - Get an oven thermometer if your oven does not have a digital read; my first batch cooked way too hot when I trusted the temperatures on the dial] Grease a 12-cup muffin tin or a popover tin and put it in the oven while you make the batter.
2) Beat together the eggs, milk, butter or oil, sugar, and salt. Beat in the flour a little bit at a time; the mixture should be smooth. Fill the muffin tins at least halfway (if your tin is large, this might make fewer than 12 popovers). Bake for 15 minutes, then reduce the heat to 350*F and continue baking for 15 minutes more, or until the popovers are puffed and browned (do not check the popovers until they have baked for a total of 30 minutes [N.B. from me - depending on the hotspots in your oven, or the fickleness of it, you'll be able to see if they are ready before 30 minutes]). Remove from the pan immediately and serve hot.
How to Cook Everything was copywrited in 2008 by Doubly B Publishing Inc., and published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. in Hoboken, New Jersey. This representation of the text is intended for educational use only.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Food Day!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Weekend Recipe 3/22/09 Take 2
Watermelon Soup (Chinese)
The summer of 1942 in Chungking was one of stifling heat and extreme humidity. For over seven weeks the temperature never dropped lower than 100 degrees day or night. Add to the heat the depression from defeat after defeat in the Phillippines, the Pacific, and in Burma - from which latter place the Japanese had just run us out; and the crazy-quilt construction and fire-bombed areas of China's wartime capital on its rocky precipices - and you find a distinct lack of the pleasures which usually go with an ideal summer. One night John Davies, who had been born in China, took a few of us to a courtyard restaurant, its grape trellis limp with heat, it's mosquitoes too enervated to attack, and its patrons trying to act out a brave front. John ordered. After tea and melon seeds came our one dish of the evening - watermelon soup - and quite enough. What inspired genius of past centuries dreamed up this concoction no one will ever know. Not only is it beautiful to look at, but it combines a subtlety of flavors unlike any other dish I know. In the drabness of wartime Chungking it came as a novelty and a surprise. It takes time to prepare, but your efforts will be well rewarded.
1 watermelon about 20 to 24 inches long
Cut an oval of the rind about 10 to 12 inches long from one side.
Gouge out the meat just past the line of seeds.
.5 lb. diced pork
.5 lb. diced lean lamb, or spring mutton
Meat from 1 stewing chicken removed from bones
.5 lb. diced ham
Meat from 1 small duck removed from bones
1 pint diced abalone (Clams can be substituted)
1 cup diced fresh mushrooms
1 cup dried mushrooms
Meat from 2 small lobsters
1.5 cups bamboo shoots (or bean sprouts)
8 stalks celery, cut into 1 inch lengths
8 stalks Chinese cabbage, cut into 1 inch lengths
.5 bunch water cress
2 tbsps. dry mustard
1 tbsp. sugar
Salt and pepper to taste (use sparingly)
2 tbsps. soy sauce
3 onions, finely chopped
1 tbsp. caraway seed
1 quart chicken broth, from which the fat has been skimmed
Boil pork for about 1 hour. Remove the pork meat. Mix all ingredients except water cress, and including pork meat, in a large soup pot. Cover and boil slowly for 1.5 hours. Add water from time to time if too much broth evaporates. Cool enough to skim off fat. Place the watermelon in a bake pan with about 2 inches of water in the pan. Pan should be of a shape which will hold the watermelon upright. Pour all of the ingredients from the soup pot into the hollow of the melon. Place in a 450 degree oven and boil for 45 minutes. Just before serving, add broken up water cress. Serve soup in the hollowed watermelon, decorated with flowers. When serving individual portions, scoop off part of the melon meat with each serving. CAUTION: Melon should be firm. Do not use a fully ripe melon.
Serves 10 to 12
This recipe from The Dorn Cookbook is copywrited in 1953 by The Henry Regnery Company in Chicago. This reproduction of the text is intended for educational use only.
Weekend Recipe 3/22/09
Rice Pudding
Makes: At least 4 servings
Time: About 2 hours, largely unattended
This simple no-egg rice pudding is sweet and easy. Use coconut, hazelnut, or almond milk instead of cow's milk for a nice twist. Top with Whipped Cream, flavored with vanilla or rose water if you like (page 882).
.25 to .33 cup rice
.5 cup sugar
Small pinch salt
1 quart milk
Pinch saffron threads (optional)
Cinnamon stick or other flavoring (optional)
1) Heat the oven to 300*F. Combine all the ingredients in a 3- or 4-quart casserole (an ovenproof saucepan will do), stir a couple of times, and place in the oven. Cook for 30 minutes, then stir. Cook for 30 minutes longer, then stir; at this point the milk will have developed a bubbly tan surface (you will stir this back into the liquid), and the rice will have begun to swell.
2) Cook for 30 more minutes. The surface will have redeveloped, darker this time, and the grains of rice will begin to predominate in the mixture; the pudding is almost done. Return the mixture to the oven and check every 10 minutes, stirring gently each time you check.
3) The pudding may be done 10, 20, or 30 minutes later. Invariably, it is done before you believe so. You must make a leap of faith and remove the custard from the oven when the rice kernels are very swollen and the mixture is thick but still quite fluid. As it cools, it will thicken considerably. (If you overcook, the pudding will become fairly hard, though it's still quite good to eat.) Serve warm, at room temperature, or cold.
How to Cook Everything was copywrited in 2008 by Doubly B Publishing Inc., and published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. in Hoboken, New Jersey. This representation of the text is intended for educational use only.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Update time...
Monday, March 9, 2009
"Weekend" Recipe 3/9/09
Olive Oil Salt Bread
Makes: 4 to 6 servings
Time: About 45 minutes, largely unattendedThis is hands down the fastest way to get fresh warm bread on the table (the variation is actually a little faster). Rich and flaky with olive oil, this biscuitlike dough is easy to handle and takes to all sorts of additions, like cheese (especially Parmesan), chopped olives, or seasonings (see the list on page 846). Just knead them in with your hands after processing. Like most unyeasted breads, it is best eaten still warm from the oven.
.33 cup extra virgin olive oil, plus more for the pan
3 cups all-purpose flour, plus more if needed
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt, preferably coarse or sea salt, plus more for sprinkling
1 cup warm water1) Heat the oven to 375*F. Grease an 8-inch ovenproof skillet or square baking pan with about a tablespoon of olive oil. Put the flour, baking powder, and salt in a food processor and turn the machine on. Pour first the .33 cup olive oil, then most of the water, through the feed tube. Process for about 30 seconds; then remove the cover. The dough should be in a well-defined, barely sticky, easy-to-handle ball. If it is too dry, add the remaining water 1 tablespoon at a time and process for 5 to 10 seconds after each addition. If it is too wet, which is unlikely, add a tablespoon or two of flour and process briefly.
2) Put the dough into the prepared pan and press until it fits to the edges. Flip it over and press again. Cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes; then remove the foil, sprinkle the top with a little coarse salt, and bake for another 20 to 25 minutes, until the top is golden and springs back when touched gently. Cool in the pan a bit, then cut into wedges or squares and serve or store for up to a day.
How to Cook Everything was copywrited in 2008 by Doubly B Publishing Inc., and published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. in Hoboken, New Jersey. This representation of the text is intended for educational use only.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Weekend Recipe 3/7/09
Stir-Fried Spicy Beef with Basil
Makes: 4 to 6 servings
Time: 15 minutes, plus time to freeze or marinate the meat
Once you get this Thai-style dish set up, it's faster than cooking the rice that goes alongside it. You can use round or chuck meat here, but the best cuts are flank or sirloin, which are more tender and equally tasty. Thai basil is nice here if you can find it, but any fresh basil is fine. Other cuts and meats you can use: pork, preferably from the shoulder or leg (fresh ham); lamb, preferably from the shoulder or leg; boneless chicken.
1.5 pounds flank or sirloin steak
.5 cup loosely packed fresh basil leaves
1 tablespoon peanut oil, plus 1 teaspoon for marinating
1.5 tablespoons minced garlic
.25 teaspoon hot red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon soy sauce or nam pla (Thai fish sauce)
Juice of half a lime
1) Slice the beef across the grain as thinly as you can; it's easier if you freeze it for 15 to 30 minutes first. Cut the slices into bite-sized pieces.
2) Wash and dry the basil; if the leaves are large, chop them coarsely. If time permits, mix the beef, basil, and the teaspoon of peanut oil in a bowl, cover, and refrigerate for an hour or so (this helps the flavor of the basil permeate the meat).
3) When you're ready to cook, have all the ingredients ready (including a serving dish and rice, if you're making any). If you have not yet done so, mix together the beef and basil. Heat a large skillet over high heat until it smokes, 3 or 4 minutes.
4) Lower the heat to medium and add the tablespoon of peanut oil. Swirl it around and add the garlic. Stir once or twice. As soon as the garlic begins to color - after about 15 seconds - return the heat to high and add the beef-basil mixture. Stir quickly and add the red pepper. Stir frequently (but not constantly), just until the meat loses its red color, and minute or two longer. Add the soy sauce and lime
juice, stir, turn off the heat and serve immediately, over rice if you wish.
How to Cook Everything was copywrited in 2008 by Doubly B Publishing Inc., and published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. in Hoboken, New Jersey. This representation of the text is intended for educational use only.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Weekend Recipe 2/21/09
2 cups water
ground ginger (pretty liberal amount)
brown sugar (3-4 teaspoons)
sea salt (2-3 pinches)
honey (1-2 teaspoons)
Microwave for about 1 minute. Enjoy. Honestly it tastes like sugar water, but you still get a very cleansing aftertaste of ginger that you can feel in the throat and nose. I'm sure you can tone down the sugar, and maybe use fresh ginger, boil the stuff, do all kinds of things to it. But for now, it tastes good and makes me feel better. Hope it can do the same thing for you.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step...
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Weekend Recipe 2/15/09
cooked rice
sugar (may be brown sugar)
I didn't put quantities because it's best to experiment and find what amounts work for you. The way I do it is this: heat up the rice, butter, sugar and cinnamon in the microwave, just until the butter is melted. Take out and stir to make sure there are no clumps of rice (they usually form when you refrigerate the rice from the night before). Once done, you can pop it back in the nuking box if you want it a bit hotter, or just add the milk. I like it when the rice is plenty hot enough to warm the milk. It's like a rice pudding with cinnamon, but healthier (depending on how much butter and sugar you put in). You can also add raisins or apple chunks. Maybe dried cranberries. It's a great jumping off platform, and very wallet friendly, which I'm sure we can all appreciate in these times. Anyway, time to baste the chicken.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
-Get a job: I don't care what it is, I just need to fill my schedule. Without rowing, my evenings have really opened up, so hopefully I'll be able to get some sort of job downtown. Not having a car really hinders what I can do.
-Finish my degree strong: Anything to revitalize my GPA after the crash that was engineering. Good thing I'm actually enjoying my classes now.
-Save as much money as I can: There seems to be a trend here...
-Tap all of my resources: Find all my friends from New York, ask them about the city and such. Go to student services and see what members of the Trojan Family are living in NYC currently. See what online communities exist that I can gain contacts from.
Any input on what else I should do would be greatly appreciated.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Weekend Recipe 2/7/09
2 stalks of celery, chopped smallThis recipe from The Dorn Cookbook is copywrited in 1953 by The Henry Regnery Company in Chicago. This reproduction of the text is intended for educational use only.
1 small onion, chopped fine
2 tbsp. butter
2 tsp. flour
1 qt. chicken stock/broth
11 tbsp. peanut butter (do NOT go overboard on this or it will dominate the dish)
1/2 pt. cream
Salt to taste
1 cup sour cream
In a skillet over a low flame cook the chopped celery and onion with the butter until the onion becomes transparent. Add the flour, stir thoroughly, and cook until the mixture is blended. Place the above mixture in a saucepan or pot. Add the chicken stock, and stir constantly as the contents come to a boil. Add the peanut butter, and stir constantly until contents again come to a boil. Remove from the heat, and stir in the cream, adding salt to taste. Place in large soup bowls, floating a big gob of sour cream on top of each (this is a fairly thick soup). Serve with tostados or Melba bread.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Which road?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
It all comes back to money...
Monday, February 2, 2009
A Brief History... Part 1
Every road has a beginning...
Hey All,
I'm Peter, a student at the University of Southern California. I'm in my junior year studying International Relations (after a long mire of finding what I wanted to study, but more on that later). Without too much personal history, there are certain things in life that I want to do, with everything else being means to doing them: travel, learn, teach, cook, write (music, books, scripts, etc.), have a family, live life. I always like having a plan, which until last semester was set for me for at least four years after college (I was previously in Air Force ROTC). Since I left that program, I have been feeling a growing anxiety about what I want to do with my life. I've been told that I need to not worry about it, and enjoy being in college. But I know that I want to minimize the time between graduation and starting life. And to avoid taking a few months to decide what to do, I wanted to have a plan, which I have:
I am going to move to New York City after graduation and pursue a culinary education.
I need to get off the West Coast for a while (I've never had a chance to miss it). I need to do something to be self sufficient. I have a tentative plan (which will undoubtably change) with what I believe to be a solid first step. After some research and some overbudgeting, I've estimated that to start a life in NYC, I need some $17,000 dollars. Later, I'll clue you in to how I came up with this ridiculous amount. But for now, I've got to make a sandwich and head over to Open Mic Night at Ground Zero Cafe. I hope you enjoy my chronicling of my quest to start my life, and maybe participate in some of the discussions that are sure to ensue.