Sunday, February 15, 2009

Weekend Recipe 2/15/09

It's another weekend. We had Valentine's Day yesterday, and President's Day tomorrow. This weekend I decided that I was going to attempt something I've never done before: roast a chicken. So my first attempt ever is in the oven at 350 F. You'd think my weekend recipe is going to have to do with chicken or roasting of some sort. Well you'd be wrong. This recipe comes from one of my dear friends from Georgia, Chelsea. It's got to be one of the best and cheapest breakfast ideas out there. We've all had cereal, oatmeal, porrage, and various other items that combine "eating and drinking with one hand without looking." (That's a Seinfeld bit, by the bye) Anyway, Chelsea told me of a rice and milk sort of "cereal" that she had often had growing up. It really couldn't be a simpler recipe:

cooked rice
sugar (may be brown sugar)

I didn't put quantities because it's best to experiment and find what amounts work for you. The way I do it is this: heat up the rice, butter, sugar and cinnamon in the microwave, just until the butter is melted. Take out and stir to make sure there are no clumps of rice (they usually form when you refrigerate the rice from the night before). Once done, you can pop it back in the nuking box if you want it a bit hotter, or just add the milk. I like it when the rice is plenty hot enough to warm the milk. It's like a rice pudding with cinnamon, but healthier (depending on how much butter and sugar you put in). You can also add raisins or apple chunks. Maybe dried cranberries. It's a great jumping off platform, and very wallet friendly, which I'm sure we can all appreciate in these times. Anyway, time to baste the chicken.

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